5th European Dramatherapy Conference
7-8 May 2021, online
organized by Prague, Czech Republic
WHO IS GODOT? - The 5th conference of the European Federation of Dramatherapy is coming soon. On May 7-8 2021, we will try to find out together what or who is Godot of these times. What is Godot in contemporary dramatherapy? And how can we handle it? Or how can we use it for therapeutic purposes?
Because of the unstable situation caused by anti-covid measures and totally unpredictable situation, the EFD conference is going to take place online. We are happy and excited to be together and even if we will not meet in person, we will do our best to make this event a comparable experience!
The 2 days will offer an interactive space for workshops, papers, discussions and play, with interesting ideas and presenters.
To see the programme of the conference look here.
All the hours within the conference programme are aligned with Prague's time zone - CET (Central European Time)
The cost of the conference is 60 euro (plus the service fees of the ticketing platform of about 5 euro). For buying the tickets and register for the conference, access this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/5th-european-drama-therapy-conference-who-is-godot-tickets-144751596923
Once you have purchased the ticket you will receive the link to Sched, so you can access the programme of the conference and choose your workshops and papers. Please sign in and make your choices as soon as possible (some workshops have limited number of participants).